Shed Your Shoes!
Three generations of feet - My 20 month old granddaughter, Claire, 19 year old daughter, Rox, and my own 54 year old feet standing on our...
“Rock” Your Body into Primal Fitness!
Here’s an idea you may not have thought about to keep your body fit. Rock Training! Just find yourself a variety of rocks in different...
Joel Fuhrman, American author, physician, and speaker, who advocates the Nutritarian Diet, recommends these three top foods to eat daily...
The “Green” Workout Center for the 21st Century!
When was the last time you climbed a tree? Most adults don’t even contemplate climbing trees, thinking it’s only for young children. On...
Turn Off the "Aging Switch"
Yes, you read that title correctly! Our bodies actually have a protein that scientists have recently discovered called the “Aging...
Dental Health: Eating as we were designed to!
As I age and notice changes taking place in my body as well as my teeth, I reflect on the health practices I’ve utilized over the past 54...
Can living more on the floor help you live longer? Take the Longevity Test to find out!
Could living more on the floor help you live longer? Are you spending too much time sitting in a chair, on a couch, or in your car? Do...
Drop A Squat
The Flat Foot Squat is one of the most basic and fundamental human postures, often used as an alternative to sitting in other cultures...
Ten Best and Worst Foods
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, best-selling American author, physician, and speaker who also advocates a micronutrient-rich diet has compiled a list...
What Will Matter for 2016 and Beyond
This was sent to me by a dear friend a few years ago. I read it often to stay focused on What Will Matter in the end. As we start this...