Workout Wednesday: #FitFamily
Do you feel overwhelmed with life and wonder how you can fit an exercise program into your daily schedule when you have a family to take care of, a house to maintain, and then add a full time job outside of the home on top of that…sounds impossible?Well, it’s time to look at exercise differently! First of all, we need to think of exercise as vital as the air we breathe, and the water and food that we eat. Staying fit should not be a chore, but rather, become part of our daily life. We need to realize that without our health, we won't be able to care for our family and be at our best for them. Implement it into everything that you do throughout the day. Include your entire family into a fitness program. You don't need to purchase weights or equitpment to stay fit. Have your family look for some rocks in the woods and move them from place to place. Stack wood, rake the yard, work in garden getting down onto the ground. Climb some trees! Connect with nature! Take up hiking, skiing, and play games with your children! All of this is exercise! Just have fun! You'll find your family will be happier and healthier!! Get up off the couch, turn off the TV, computer, tablet, or any device that is keeping you from moving!
I learned from my father through his example from as far back as I can remember that it is our responsibility to care for our bodies and to be role models to our children. I was always so proud of my dad, no matter how many hours he put in as an administrator at our school district, he found time each day to workout in our basement…with me right along side of him! I was like his shadow! It was one of my favorite moments of each day; spending quality time with my father and learning how to keep my body in tiptop condition! He taught me so many things as I watched him and learned about the importance of staying fit. We had so many wonderful conversations about life and what really matters. My father kept all six of the children in our family busy doing chores together outside. Splitting wood and stacking one cord after another to heat our home. Taking care of the ongoing yard work. We would go on hikes in the mountains, skiiing, riding our bikes, playing basketball together, and going snowshoeing... being together as a family was SO important to both my parents. My mom and dad showed us that we must keep moving and not lead a seditentary life. Exercise wasn't just working out in the basement, it was living as we were designed to live! Getting up and moving, tending to our land, playing together...loving life! We learned that the family who plays together, stays together!
As an elementary teacher for 26 years, I have heard hundreds of children tell me day in and day out how they wish their parents would pay attention to them. My students tell me that they rarely sit down to dinner together, as everyone is too busy on their cellphones or computers. With technology taking over our lives, I have seen fewer children wanting to go outside and play, rather, preferring to stay inside to watch TV, or play games on some kind of device. Children learn from their parents. Our actions speak louder than words! Families are becoming sedintary and not spending quality time together. We're losing the ability to communicate with one another. Interacting in positive healthy ways is fading away. It's time to take back living and love life!
When I had my daughters, I knew I would follow my dad’s example and continue my rigorous daily workout schedule no matter how hectic and busy my life became. I realized that without my health and maintaining optimum physical condition, I couldn’t be at my best for my family. I incorporated my daughters into my routines. Using them as added weight when doing pushups, leg lifts, squats, etc. I became very creative in implementing my children into my daily workouts and found that my girls loved our fitness time together, just as I did with my father! My daughters knew that each day after school, this was how I would unwind from a busy day of teaching 4th graders and keeping up with all that goes into being a mother and wife. I had my daughters outside enjoying our time together doing yard work. Going hiking, bike riding...all of things I learned from my parents!
Fast-forward a few decades, and now I’m a grandmother…still working out everyday! Now my 19 month old granddaughter, Claire, is learning the importance of staying fit! She’s even learning to climb trees, haul rocks and logs to keep nature as a focal point in our daily movement plan. Here are some of the amazing benefits that come from incorporating our children into daily fitness routines:
Quality time bonding together
Children learn about health and wellness through their parent’s example
Keeping your family fit
Having FUN together!
Children will be more focused in school
Children AND Adults sleep better moving more often throughout each day
Children AND Adults will spend less time sitting in front of a TV, Computer, Tablet, or Cellphone. (It really is time to rethink how much time families are spending on the couch…That will be an upcoming Blog!)
Wonderful opportunity to teach about our body
Develop language skills and correct grammar, through conversation while working out
Avoiding the potential of having children becoming over weight
Beginning Math skills are taught through counting reps with your child
Ongoing discussion about the right and left side
Getting ouside to enjoy nature, fresh air, and sunshine!
The list is unending! So many valuable lessons learned by having the family staying fit together! No more excuses that you don't have enough time in the day to stay fit and healthy because you have small children. Even older children will enjoy spending quality time with their parents! My daughter, Rox, and I are always working out or climbing trees together! It's part of our lives! Let us know how your FitFamily program is coming along! We’re here to motivate and encourage you to hang in there, as well as give you some neat ideas to incorporate into your FitFamily Program!
Thanks SO much for reading this blog and viewing our video!